Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Secret Ingredients... for the first day at a new school.

I know this looks like an ordinary lunch…
Sandwich… Chips…the obligatory piece of fruit. 
But slip on your dimensional bifocals for a moment...

You'll see clearly the corner of a prayer tucked into that seemingly empty space next to the chips... that his quirky personality will shine. 
There’s a whisper wrapped around the Dr. Pepper can…
for peace to fall upon his heart today as he travels unfamiliar halls.

Underneath the innocent apple lies a breath...
held long to hold back tears for this transition dreaded. 

Hidden under the foil are fragments of awe and amazement…
that my first born has reached this set of stairs... 8th grade and 13 years.

Folded in between the slices of turkey and triangles of Swiss is a mother’s earnest plea... that son will find his place in this bright new space. 
Into every crevice remaining... liquid love… anticipation… and hope… have been poured. 
The lid is closed tightly, sealing gratitude for 
new acquaintances that will ripen into old friendships...
for quieted fears...
for a day...
and a year, much like this lunch, 
 layered with promise...
and secret ingredients... 


  1. Never EVER has a writer touched every layer that my heart and mind can peel , with such few words. Words I have heard, each alone, so often, but in this moment, with her gift, combine new thoughts, new hope entwined with soooo much past and future.
    My legacy is this my OLDEST child, SuZanne. Oh me to see the fulfillment of once I feared circumstances could wither, but now know faith goes beyond and into each day, each moment we live. Thank you SuZanne, as you are this writer I speak of. May you be encouraged that you have packed his lunch with the best you have to give, the most valuable gifts that last thru eternity- your love! This son shines love to all who are in range. No, not perfection. Simply perfect love. I am forever humbled of the gift you have been born thru me, my "first born". Is it ironic that this is the day before your birth into the world so many years ago, since you turned 13?..Could I have ever imagined such promise, such love and beauty could be so real, so strong...Wow...Love mom-Pat

  2. Wow!! I cried!! This touched me. Thank you for sharing. He is dear to my heart and I wanted him to have a great day too.
